Queens of the Stone AgeEdition Info
Release Date Label ID Format Origin Notes Availability No.
2003/08/04 Interscope 980 851-4 CD Aus - 2 [1]
2003/08/18 Interscope 981 050-5 CD UK CD 1 of 2 2 [2]
2003/08/18 Interscope 981 050-7 CD UK CD 2 of 2 2 [3]
2003/08/18 Interscope 981 050-6 7" UK Red vinyl 2 [4]

*Availability Rating: how easy it is to get this item on a scale from 1 to 5; 1 is very easy, 5 is damn near impossible.
First it Giveth [album version] [1] [2] - -
Wake up Screaming [The SUBHUMANS] [1] [2] - -
The most Exalted Potentate of Love [The CRAMPS] [1] [2] - -
Song for the Deaf [the blind can goes get fucked remix] [1] [2] - -
You Think I ain't Worth a Dollar, but I Feel Like a Millionaire [Troy mix version] [1] [2] - -
First it Giveth [CD-rom video] - - [3] [4]
The Video
Naked Nick and smashy-smashy. Lots of live fun in this video, which was shot by English photography and QOTSA-buddy Nigel Copp. Live footage from the 2002 Glastonbury Fest and the tour with the Red Hot Chili Peppers compiles the whole thing. No crazy animation this time.

The Promos
Both one-track promos are essentially identical except for the catalogue number. Each comes in a slimline jewel case with the artwork displayed below. The one track on each of these is First It Giveth (duh).

Pressing Info
1. unknown pressing quantity
2. Unknown pressing quantity
3. Unknown pressing quantity
4. Unknown pressing quantity

Cover Scans
980 851-4 australian CD

981 050-5 Part 1 CD

981 050-7 Part 2 CD

red vinyl 7"

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